Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Gift for Everyday

When I was in chemo hell I had a very special friend who shared a gift with me
every day.  I mean EVERYDAY. Without fail.  Even if was 11:59pm she would make
sure I received my daily gift.  The gift was simple. It did not cost much and it was easy
to deliver.  It was one of the most precious gifts I have ever received.  It came in the
form of a txt, email or phone call. She would ask me how I was feeling, share something
funny, cheer me on with words of encouragement.  She would check in every day.  Every
single day.  I am still amazed by her dedication and consistency regarding ME.
Sometimes I would respond and sometimes I would be too ill to even txt. It did
not matter.  She would say "no need to respond" which I appreciated.  It took the
pressure off.  I was so grateful for her constant presence in my world.
Fighting through this disease can sometimes be a very lonely place even when you are
surrounded by others. It is the hardest thing I have ever had to get through.  And I  have
been through a lot. Today, now that I am healthy, I tease her that I miss my daily mantra
and ask where my messages are?!  It's true.  I do miss them...but I don't miss chemo...
THAT'S FOR DAMN SURE! I have a very good friend who just had a double mastectomy. 
She is "in it" and everyday I check in on her. She thanks me and tells me how much it helps to have my support. She told me that of all the people around her I have been the most supportive. Interesting thing about that is I have not actually seen her even once.  It makes a difference. Give this gift to someone you love.  We all lead very busy lives.  We are distracted and consumed with our
obligations and responsibilities but if you want to help a friend in need this is an extremely
powerful gift.  You can live next store or you can be on the other side of the world. Either way that little message you send on a daily basis can make such a difference in their world.  To my friend
who gave me A Gift for Everyday I would like to say THANK YOU.  Thank you for lifting me up,
thank you for cheering me on, thank you for caring.  You have no idea how much you helped me.
Just knowing you were out there, thinking of me, praying for me and putting a smile on my face made all the difference in my chemo world.  I love you. You are an amazing person.

Allyson  xoxo

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